Live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and you connect with the field of infinite possibilities. Chopra.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Silly puppy.

Yes, that little monster known as Buddy is still here.  My children are starting to ask when he is going home, which will tell you that it is just like having a toddler in the house, they are fun for a while but they can wear you out pretty fast as well.

It's a good thing this little guy is cute.  He antagonizes Sadie on a regular basis and growls at her if she won't play with him.  He steals socks and runs all over the house with them.  He leaves his two favourite things (the blanket and the stuffed toy shown in the above photo) where he last played with them and no matter how many times I put them in his basket, they are somewhere else in the house before I know it.  He barks at every little noise, which of course means Sadie barks.  Sadie rarely barked before Buddy and I'm hoping she goes back to her non barking self after he leaves.  

He also gives the best cuddles and you can't resist smiling when he "talks" to you.  He sleeps at my feet whenever I sit down.  He gets Sadie moving which is a little bit of a miracle.  He goes to his basket when you tell him it's bed time and he stays there all night and he completely cracks me up in the morning when he goes to wake up my 11yo for some snuggle time if I didn't give him enough.

We're ready to send him home, but we are totally going to miss him when he's gone.  

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